Table of Contents
The Sakina Ka'aba (Kaaba) is an emergent evolving sacred space, recreating the religious and sexual freedom of the original Ka'aba of Mecca, which everyone can contribute to and enrich. It is a site for all peoples, both religious and non-religious, including Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, lovers of the sacred feminine in all her forms, nature shamans and pantheists, agnostics and athiests alike, provided each can accept a relationship of ecosystemic coexistence, and interdependence, in which no path, or belief, is allowed to dominate over the evolving nature of personal experience, or the natural diversity of the living planet.
A Fatwa on Purdah
- A Fatwa on Purdah: Unveiling Niqab, Burqa, Chador and Hijab The full 50 page Fatwa Monograph with full discussion of Sharia and Hadith.
- Fatwa on Purdah: Unveiling Hijab, Niqab, Burqa and Chador High Quality Stereo MTV Video (Contains disturbing material)
- Download of the mp3 stereo musical production Lyrics
This article is a fatwa to unveil the veil and liberate the world from violent and lethal punishments for adultery. It is designed to be explanatory, for Muslims, and non-Muslims alike, on the status of the veil, and its more oppressive forms. If you are a Muslim, it is set out as a valid religious opinion. If you are not a Muslim, its grounds are human common sense and compassion. It includes scientific and biological arguments, which are valid for all human beings, traversing all human cultures, and have implications for the practices of other religions as well as Islam. In religious terms, this is a fatwa rejecting the claim that, under Muslim teachings, women are required to wear the veil, or that it is desirable to do so.
It has come about now, because a conservative Muslim cleric in Saudi Arabia has called on women to wear a full veil, or niqab, that reveals only one eye. Sheikh Muhammad al-Habadan, an influential ultra-conservative cleric, known for cursing the Olympic games as showing ‘obscene scenes’ and giving a fatwa that permits the killing of the owners of satellite TV stations who show "immoral" content, who was answering questions on the Muslim satellite channel al-Majd, said showing both eyes encouraged women to use eye make-up to look seductive.
Although the one-eyed niqab is part of an older tradition, noted in the hadith, when a religion gets to the point of issuing a command that half the people on the planet are to be allowed to see only through one eye, whenever they go out in the world, it brings that religion into disrepute.
To cut out one eye from being able to perceive the world at large, is an assault on the most basic integrity and autonomy of the human being. The need to cover the woman entirely comes from a mistaken notion that because women are beautiful and attractive, they are entirely awrah (sexual parts), and thus must be entirely concealed, even to covering one eye, or they will pose a shameful threat to themselves and to their family, through being uncontrollably attractive to strange men.
This is an assault, not only on women, the sex who bear the living generations of humanity, but on men, social trust, the natural world, and our access to it. It stands alongside dire punishments, such as stoning women for adultery, which are an affront to the basm-allah بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم “Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate”. Neither niqab, nor stoning, are in the Qur’an, so it is a time to take stock and make the way clear, so women will not continue to be oppressed.
Against Muslim Enslavement of Women
Free all women taken as slaves by Muslim fundamentalists across the world.
Malala Yousafzai who recently became joint Nobel Peace Prize winner has called on Nigeria to intensify efforts to free 219 schoolgirls who were abducted by Islamist militants Boko Haram six months ago. The Nobel Peace Prize winner said campaigners needed to raise their voices "louder than ever" to demand the freedom of the girls.
A compassionate warning. Do not join IS! Do not marry them!
IS not only beheads innocent people and commits genocide against whole communities and enslaves the women and girls of minorities it overruns, it treats its own women abysmally and violently, using them as fodder to sexually satisfy fighting men and as mere baby machines for the cause.
A Woman's Life in Raqqa YouTube
Why are Western women joining Islamic State?
How Khadija went from a school teacher to an ISIS member and then Escaped

She slowly lifts her niqab, revealing her young, heart-shaped face. She calls herself 'Khadija.' It's not her real name, because she's a marked woman. Once a member of a fearsome, female ISIS brigade, she's a recent defector, disillusioned by the group's brutality.
The Khansa'a Brigade is made up of around 25 to 30 women and is tasked with patrolling the streets of Raqqa to ensure that women adhere to proper clothing as outlined by the Islamic State. Beaded or slightly form-fitting abayas are banned. Women are not allowed to show their eyes. Those who break the laws are lashed. The lashings were carried out by Umm Hamza. When Khadija first saw Umm Hamza, she was terrified. "She's not a normal female. She's huge, she has an AK, a pistol, a whip, a dagger and she wears the niqab," Khadija said. Brigade commander Umm Rayan sensed Khadija's fear "and she got close to me and said a sentence I won't forget. 'We are harsh with the infidels, but merciful among ourselves.'" "At the start, I was happy with my job. I felt that I had authority in the streets. But then I started to get scared, scared of my situation. I even started to be afraid of myself." Burned into her mind is an image she saw online of a 16-year-old boy who was crucified for rape. She questioned her inclusion in a group capable of such violence. "The worst thing I saw was a man getting his head hacked off in front of me," she said. The brigade shared its building with a man who specialized in marriage for ISIS fighters. "He was one of the worst people," she said of the man tasked with finding wives for both local and foreign fighters. "The foreign fighters are very brutal with women, even the ones they marry," she said. "There were cases where the wife had to be taken to the emergency ward because of the violence, the sexual violence."
With her commander pressuring her to submit to marriage, Khadija decided she needed to leave the brigade. "So it was at this point, I said enough. After all that I had already seen and all the times I stayed silent, telling myself, 'We're at war, then it will all be rectified.' "But after this, I decided no, I have to leave." Khadija still wears the niqab, not just to conceal her identity but also because she's struggling to adapt back to life outside the Islamic State. Regretful of her immersion in radical Islam, she is wary of another sudden change. "It has to be gradual, so that I don't become someone else. I am afraid of becoming someone else. Someone who swings, as a reaction in the other direction, after I was so entrenched in religion, that I reject religion completely," she said.
Raping women and cutting out their hearts: Kader fled 10 days ago, leaving his village, which lies 16km from Kobani centre, in the small hours of the morning. He and his wife took their five-year-old, their toddler and what little else they could carry. His uncle, who was 85 was beheaded. "He could not even lift a weapon," said the young father, baffled by the brutality. Even more haunting were stories from his wife's village, where the fleeing family found the bodies of her sister and an eight-year-old niece lying in pools of blood. "They had been raped, and their hearts were cut out of their chests and left on top of the bodies," he said, struggling to hold back tears. "I buried them with my own hands."
Islamic State seeks to justify enslaving Yazidi women and girls in Iraq
The Islamic State group says it has enslaved families from the minority Yazidi sect after overrunning their villages in northwestern Iraq, in what it praised as the revival of an ancient custom of using women and children as spoils of war. The ancient custom of enslavement had fallen out of use because of deviation from true Islam, but was revived when fighters overran Yazidi villages in Iraq's Sinjar region. "After capture, the Yazidi women and children were then divided according to the Shariah amongst the fighters of the Islamic State who participated in the Sinjar operations, after one fifth of the slaves were transferred to the Islamic State's authority to be divided as khums [a traditional tax on the spoils of war]. This large-scale enslavement of mushrik (idolator) families is probably the first since the abandonment of Shariah law".
Dabiq magazine, an IS vehicle, tries to justify this profligate enslavement as a sign of the Day of Resurrection, condemning mothers to become slaves even to their own offspring: "This interpretation is like the one before it, indicating that one of the signs of the Hour is the increased conquests and bringing in of slaves from the lands of kufr. It has also been stated that the meaning of the slave girl giving birth to her master is that people turn away from marriage sufficing with concubines alone. And Allah knows best" [Fathul-Bari]. Ibn Rajab also said, "This indicates the conquest of lands and the high occurrence of taking slaves until concubines and their children increase in numbers. The slave girl becomes a slave to her master while his children have the status of her master over herself. This is because the child of the master has the rank of the master, and thereby the child of the slave girl has the status of her owner and master" [Jami al-Ulum wal-Hikam]. An-Nawawi explained the hadith by saying, "The majority of scholars say that this foretells the increase of concubines and their children in numbers, because the child of a concubine has the status of her master" [Sharh Sahih Muslim]".
Sakina Pages
- Sakina Sakina A July 07 mirror on the meaning of "Sakina" from Wikipedia
- The Story of Sakina An account of Sakina, Muhammad, jihad and Islam.
- The Song of Sakina and the Video
Sakina Sources
Sister Sites
Womens Uprising
Virtual Shrines
To become a gallery of creative experiences, contibuted by all who pass through the Sakina Ka'aba giving expression to the diversity of Sakina.
Please bless the Sakina Ka'aba with a virtual shrine of your own creative contributions as gifts to the sacred diversity of this site.
- The Black Stone Pictures and history of the Ka'aba, the stone and the Goddesses.
- Arabian Gods and Goddesses before Islam
- Three Voices of the Shekhinah
Transformative Visions
To become a consensual basis for developing insights of how to best care for the living planet in perpetuity compassionately throughout our generations.
You are warmly invited to contribute your insights.
- Truth, Love and the Future Three Sufi Poems.
- The Trouble with al-Llah Unveiling reality.

Sakina and Wikipedia
Islamic editors in Wikipedia have censored the Sakina entry we originally authored, removing most of its content, including all reference to the cosmic feminine, the satanic verses, and the whole section relating sakina as peace to takiya as faking the peace. The entire Sakina entry has also been subsumed as Islamic, under the Wiki Project Islam, when it has a wider cultural significance, also encompassing the sacred feminine and Jewish mysticism.
It is essential to protect Wikipedia against vested establishment interests misusing the editorial collective socially to make it an instrument of canonical doctrine.
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Currently membership is by application, or invitation, while the seed site is being put together by site members, but will open to public participation, once the site conception is complete.